Skip to the 4th last paragraph if you don't feel like reading my book.

Wednesday morning around 3am to just shortly before lunch.
My home, a cab, and the L&D floor of the hospital.
Important people to be mentioned:
1) Dr. M ~ the dr I had my ob appointment with yesterday, never seen her before that.
2) Dr. E ~ my regular OB who has been with me since I started my clomid adventures.
3) Dr. C ~ the other OB dr that I had seen on several occasions at my monthly appointments, she is also the one who told me that all of the symptoms I was experiencing were because the baby was coming.
4) Nurse ~ I'm not sure of her name but she was sooo nice to me last night.

Last night(well technically 3am this morning), I was getting ready to climb into bed for the night and I started to get the beginning signs of my rib pain and within a few minutes, it was complete torture. I figured that since Dr. M had told me that if I have anymore pains to call up. So I did and they wanted me there ASAP. So a call to a sleepy cab driver and within 5 minutes I was at the hospital (cabbie ran a few red lights for

The cabbie left his cab downstairs in the ambulance spot and got me up to L&D pronto. As we turned the corner to talk to the nurses about where I was going, up pops Dr. M's head and she said "so the pain never went away huh?" I was like..ummm no... it hurts ...ALOT!!! So they got me a room and the cabbie left... Dr. M and the nurse were joking around with me and just trying to have fun overall.

They took my BP which was good, my temp was fine, then Dr. M got me to show her where the pain was and what it would be on the pain scale...I showed her and said right now it's a 9.5 and rising. She then grabbed my uterus from the top of my stomach and from the bottom on my belly and shook the baby and asked if it hurt, I said no but that someone else is gonna be pretty pissed in a few minutes... she laughed and said that Miss Pagan can get her back when she delivers her, (at this point I was like WHAT! not now not tonight...) Dr. M told me that the pain is not coming from the baby and that she is fine...she's gonna kick for a bit but she'll be fine.

So where was the pain coming from?? I explained that I hadn't gotten a chance to get my bloodwork done yet and she looked at me and said it's ok we're doing it now and then you can come in next week for your 2-hour test and get it re-done so I can compare the results. The nurse came in and hooked me up to the contraction monitors and the doppler just to be sure the pain was not affecting the wasn't, she was a happy camper. The lab tech came up and normally when they take blood, I have to have someone hold my arm so I don't flinch, not last night...I didn't even feel her poke me cause I was focused on the pain in my ribs.

Just as the lab tech was leaving the nurse came in with a needle filled with clear liquid, she said it was my pain relief...I quickly lifted the arm of my shirt and she was like...uh uh, it's not going there....(this is when I was like oh crap! this is gonna hurt!). I bent over and exposed my upper butt cheek and prepared for pain...when Dr. M pokes her head through the curtains and starts acting like a 5 year old and saying... "can I watch? can I? can I?" we all started laughing... she asked if I needed to hold her hand and I was like nope.. I got the rail of the bed, I can't break that if it hurts to however I might The nurse then stabbed me and I just told Dr. M how mean she was and her response was "wait till I deliver your baby...*insert evil laugh here* as she left the room and was walking to the reception desk. I looked at the nurse and said to her, "You all are making me not want to have my baby here now." LOL, Dr. M heard that and started to laugh louder... it was too funny.

A little while later, not sure how long cause I was dosing in and out cause I was tired and the pain meds were making me drowsy...never took the pain away but made me fall asleep. The nurse came in and had me drink a small cup of Malox (I think that is what it was). Now at this point I am really tired, want to sleep but I am to the understanding that when my bloodwork comes back they will let me go home. I was half asleep when the nurse came in and grabbed a blanket and told me that my bloodwork came back good, nothing abnormal, so I am booked for an ultrasound first thing in the morning to find out what is causing all of this pain. So going home was out of the question at this point, I kicked my shoes off and got comfy for the night.

Now I forgot to mention that my DF Shawn was NOT with me for any of this... he has a bad bronchial infection and I didn't want him to pass it on to anyone...especially the new mommies in L&D, so I told him that I would call if it was serious and the baby was in danger...but since we determined that the baby was fine, I decided to not call him and let him sleep.

About 9:30am this morning, an orderly came and took me down to ultrasound where I spent about a good 1 1/2 hours getting scanned. They did a full organ scan, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, splean, etc... and then they did a full scan on baby... or at least the woman (god bless her soul) tried to... baby wouldn't stop moving long enough for her to get barely any good photos. She did however confirm without a doubt that our baby is definately a GIRL!!!! I told her it was a good thing too cause I would feel like a bad mommy for dressing my little boy all in

After the ultrasound, I get back to my room and have to wait... I go back to sleep and a new nurse comes in and introduces herself and tells me that Dr. E is on call today and that he'll be in shortly and I told her he is my regular OB so this is good timing. Dr. E came in and sat down next to me and went over EVERYTHING... (he is from Africa so he has a really thick accent and normally I can barely understand him but today I hear every word he said with no problem)

He started off by telling me that my chart from his office was a bit off. Dr. C had put in the file that all of my symptons were because of the baby and the possibility of me having her sooner then later were not correct. He said he fixed the file and he reassured me that this baby is gonna bake for as long as she wants...and that doesn't mean till the end of April.. he said she will more then likely come out in early June, if she comes early. The problem I am having is not with the baby but it's with me. My gallbladder is irritated and has a few stones floating around in it. He is referring me to a surgeon to discuss how to remove them surgically after the baby is born. For now he prescribed me perks (which I am not completely sure are safe to take but he said they were ok in small doses).

So overall my stay was good... Dr. M delivered 5 babies in under 3 hours and still had more then enough time to take care of me. It made me feel all gushy inside... or maybe that was the demerol shot she gave me working it's But to hear that Miss Pagan is not going to be showing up till June was music to my ears because I was starting to stress out a bit (if you couldn't tell I'm worried about the surgery and what it entails but I'll be looking it up shortly and finding out. I found out at the ultrasound that Miss Pagan is weighing in at an estimated weight of 3lbs 15ozs already... can ya say big baby much?

The most caring part of my adventure was when I got home, I walked home from the hospital since it wasn't a blizzard outside (we had a blizzard roll through the past 2 days), and just as I was walking up my steps and reaching for my doorknob, Shawn opens it up with his jacket, boots, and hat on carrying a backpack that had my current craft project in it. He was on his way up to the hospital to find out what was going on and to bring me my cross stitch to work on.... how sweet is that?

I would have posted this sooner, but I have been and still am a bit loopy from the demerol. I can't seen to not want to sleep and I have actually dosed off while typing I think I need to go back to bed.

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    Alisa Dupuis

    Hello, welcome to my blog.. enjoy my ramblings and whatnot... I promise I am not as crazy as I may sound


    April 2009

